Direct Housing Assistance Program

3 good reasons to subscribe:

Our home loan formulas have been designed to enable you to make your property purchase with peace of mind.

Take advantage of the State’s assistance and complete the financing of your home with BANK OF AFRICA. You can finance the remainder of the price of your home with a loan from BANK OF AFRICA, up to 100% of the property's deed value. Our formulas also offer you the possibility of modulating your loan on the periodicity of your choice and according to your financial capacity.

  1. A fast, secure financing solution
  2. Loan terms of up to 27 years
  3. Possibility of loan modulation

Stay informed.

Moroccans living in Morocco and Moroccans living abroad who do not own any property and have never received any housing assistance.

The direct housing assistance loan is the complementary bank financing of the amount of assistance provided by the State to the aforementioned target group for the purchase of their main home.

The customer must meet the selection criteria for the housing assistance program, and must have completed the financial assistance process (see below).

  • Apply for assistance via the digital platform.
  • Once the applicant's eligibility has been verified, a preliminary approval is issued within a maximum of 7 days from the date the application is submitted.
  • Submission of the preliminary sales agreement to the platform via the Notary Public within a maximum of 7 days from the date of issue, accompanied by a copy of the building permit issued on or after January 1, 2023.
  • Approval of the direct financial assistance and payment of the amount within a maximum of 15 days from the date of submission of the documents, via the notary and in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

·         By bank check made out to the notary, given directly to the applicant, who in turn gives it to the notary.

·         By bank transfer directly to the Notary Public's account via the deposit and management fund.

  • The applicant has a maximum of 30 days from the date of receipt of the amount by the Notary Public to draw up a final sales contract.
  • The Notary Public must submit a copy of the final sales contract and a copy of the certificate of ownership to the digital platform within 30 days.

  • The assistance amounts depend on the value of the home purchased. The assistance amount is MAD 100,000.00 for the purchase of a home with a sale price of MAD 300,000.00 or less, and MAD 70,000.00 for the purchase of a home with a sale price of between MAD 300,000.00 and MAD 700,000.00.

Practical information to know

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