Offre Intelak

Intelak#Likoum, a solution for all your financing needs!

“Intelak#Likoum” is an offer combining several loan solutions adapted to the expectations of individual entrepreneurs, licensed professionals and legal entities. It is the entrepreneurial support that adapts perfectly to the financing needs of everyone, whether it is through a line of repayment credit and/or treasury.

A complete offer of financing

  1. A comprehensive entrepreneurial support adapted to your business financing needs
  2. A repayment loan of up to MAD 1,200,000
  3. A treasury loan of up to MAD 50,000
  4. The possibility to choose the frequency: monthly, quarterly or bi-annualy
  5. Damane Intelak guarantee from the Central Guarantee Fund
  6. Free application, study and commitment fees
  7. Quick response time on the credit application

A simplified offer that supports you in all your financing needs

• The "INTELAK" LOAN will allow you to finance your need regardless of its nature: initial working capital, acquisition of premises, delays in payments, etc. You will also benefit from exceptional conditions: an interest rate of 2%, free application fees, as well as insurance at reduced rates.

• The "Intelak AL MOUSTATMIR AL QARAWI" loan is intended to finance investment and /or cash flow needs in the rural world. It is a simple and flexible financing solution that adapts to your business needs. This loan will allow you to finance your need whatever its nature: initial working capital, acquisition of equipment and premises, delays in payments, etc. Also benefit from exceptional conditions: an interest rate of 1,75%, free application fees, as well as reduced rate insurance...

• The "START TPE" offer If you have benefited from an Intelak#Likoum loan that does not exceed the threshold of MAD 300,000, you can benefit from an additional "START TPE" loan. This loan offers you an additional 20% of the initial financing capped at MAD 50,000. The repayment of the Start TPE loan is made in a single instalment 5 years after its release and without interest. This offer is intended for beneficiaries of the "INTELAK" and "INTELAK AL MOUSTATMIR AL QARAOUI" loans to cover your working capital needs.

• The "INTELAK PACKAGE" To make it easier for you to manage your account on a daily basis, you can benefit from the Intelak package that consists of:

- A checking account or a current account

- A checking account or a current account

- An electronic card

- The remote management of your account through BMCE Direct Pro

- Mobile banking services via DabaPay Pro (payment, withdrawal without card, bill payment). The Intelak package is free of charge during the 1st year.


- Mobile banking services via DabaPay Pro (payment, withdrawal without card, bill payment). The Intelak package is free of charge during the 1st year.

Discover our entire Intelak#Likoum entrepreneurial support program on our dedicated platform


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You can submit your application entirely online or fill out the form to be contacted by one of our sales representatives.

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