The ambition for sustainable growth embodied in a global CSR approach

A formalised CSR strategy based on 6 commitments

In 2018, BANK OF AFRICA formalised its CSR commitments in a Social Responsibility Charter. It is structured around six axes, and broken down into 31 ethical, social and environmental commitments. The CSR Charter has been implemented throughout the Group. It guides BANK OF AFRICA's governance, growth model, as well as its practices. It also supports its subsidiaries in fulfilling their commitments.


The Group's CSR approach supported by solid governance

Since 2019, CSR governance within BANK OF AFRICA has been strengthened by the establishment of the ESS – Environmental, Social and Sustainability Committee. This Committee ensures that ESG criteria (Environmental, Social and Governance) are monitored by a dedicated body, and strengthens the anchoring of sustainability within the Group's organisation. The main tasks of this ESS Committee are:

Monitor the implementation of the Environmental, Social and Gender action plan at Group level

Ensure the effectiveness of E&S Risk Management practices within the Group

Ensure the effectiveness of E&S Risk Management practices within the Group

Supervise the global commitments in terms of sustainable development and CSR

Transparency and CSR communication through the various Reporting

Extra-financial reporting:

As part of its CSR approach, and to affirm its commitment to transparency, the Group has published a sustainable development report every year for over 15 years. This reporting makes it possible to measure the evolution of the approach within the Group. It also allows valuing the results obtained, and the impacts generated thanks to the effectiveness of the actions taken. This reporting is the same for each subsidiary in order to allow efficient consolidation and sharing of results. (view the PDF report: ir-bankofafrica.ma)

In addition, to align with international best practice BANK OF AFRICA published its first “Integrated Annual Report” in 2020 for the 2019 financial year.This report presents the Group's performance according to the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) standard, an international standard that provides an integrated view of both financial and non-financial performance and takes into account, with a high degree of maturity, the Environmental, Social and Governance issues -ESG- (view the PDF report: ir-bankofafrica.ma)




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